DBC Camp Staff Alumni Association

Current Year Staff Dues - Staff Alumni Association

This a discounted dues rate for current/most recent camp staff. By completing the below information, you'll be registering for the Dan Beard Council Camp Staff Alumni Association. Please scroll below to find a full description.
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Use this format NNN-NNN-NNNN.
Mailing Address
Apartment, Building, Condo, Unit, Etc.
Use State Abbreviation
Zip Code
-- Select
Please indicate what camps, years, and areas you served.
Please provide your response in this format: Camp, Year, Area (Each year on new line.) For example:................................................ Camp Friedlander, 2015, Aquatics Staff........ Cub World, 2016, Fort Director
Years and Duties
-- Select
Preferred Method of Communication
Would you like a gold trimmed/ outlined patch?
(while supplies last)
Price: $10.00
Join the DBC CSAA and reconnect with your current and former coworkers from your days on staff at our Dan Beard Council summer camps. Your membership makes you eligible to attend our alumni events and gives you access to our alumni contact and networking database. While supplies last, members will also receive the official Council Strip of the DBC CSAA for free to wear on their uniform. Additional patches may be purchased at a later date by association members.